Sunday, February 18, 2007

Not MY Will But Your Will Be Done, does saying that scare you?

Not My will but Your will be done. These words spoken by Jesus was the crux of what changed the course of humanity. It was here that fallen man was redeemed. As the first Adam sinned and wanted his will to be done and in so doing steeped all creation into sin. It was Jesus Christ the second Adam who bought us back and brought us back into right relationship with GOD. Jesus did not want to become the very thing He hated, sin. He did not want to be cut off from the Father, He did not want to go to the cross. In the garden of Gethsemane HE lined HIS will up with the Fathers. HE could have willed to say NO they are not worth this, forget it I AM out of here but no. Scripture says For the Joy set before HIM( that joy was you and me!) HE endured the cross despising its shame. Isaiah tells us it pleased the Father to bruise and crush Christ??!! It was for our sake, that was the plan from before the foundation of the world. Jesus the creator of this universe and us, planned to sacrifice HIMSELF if man sinned. Mind boggling the Love of GOD. For us, HE who knew no sin became sin, HE became anathema to GOD the Father. HE died for us so that we could be raised with HIM!!! The wages of sin are death and HE paid those wages in full for you and me. That is LOVE!
So what does that have to do with you and me, besides everything? Back to the will. Does saying Not my will but Yours be done scare you, does it conjure up being sent to the wildest most desolate areas of the world. Does fear rule you to think of having GOD's will be done in your life? Does anger or indignation rise up at the thought? Well then you don't know GOD! The solution as always is to know HIS love!
The Bible is replete with HIS love and HE constantly tells us of HIS love. Jesus showed us LOVE and told us of HIS love. John 3:16 so commonly quoted but never fully understood, tells us GOD so loved the world that HE sent HIS only SON to save us and Not condemn us. With that said would Jesus die for us so that the Father could be mean or indifferent to us? Makes no sense does it. Romans 8:32 says:
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? That's scripture my friends I did not make that up. Think of the logic of that statement, if HE did not spare HIS son the tortures, the pain and humiliation of the cross but gladly allowed this to buy us why would HE not gives us all things to richly enjoy. We need to dive into the Truth of who GOD is and swim in that love and drink it in. Let not this corrupt and evil world tell us who GOD is let us let HIM do so.

Why am I stressing this point so much? Until you Know GOD as a loving Father you will never give HIM your will and as long as its your will it cant be HIS. We are not GOD nor can we run our lives but this is exactly what we are wanting and doing by denying GOD the opportunity to be GOD in our lives. By holding on to our will it is then our will being done in our lives and not HIS. This relationship only works with One GOD and that's HIM. To the extent that we will not yield to HIM this is the extent we Stop HIM. So by knowing HIS love for us and HIS desire to bless us and keep us in all our ways I pray you will Trust HIM who loves you with an everlasting love to say Not My will but Your Will be done. I cannot tell you how much HE loves you, not really though I have tried. Let HIM show you and teach you of HIS love. Spend that time and give HIM that place in your heart and I guarantee that The Joy of the LORD will be your strength and HIS will will be your will and you will be ONE...GOD bless JB

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