Sunday, September 20, 2009

Deservedness and Worthiness

Hello and blessings to you. I am going to share something that has changed my life and the way I look at life. It happened while listening to a CD that asked a simple question that forced me to seek GOD and get an answer only HE can give. An answer that transforms and not only informs. With that said, you too must seek GOD and have HIM answer your questions and quell your fears. We must run from acquiring head knowledge and run to HIM who changes the Heart, for out of the Heart flow the issues of life! HE is the Giver of Life, seek HIM and you too will be blessed and a blessing.
This CD was about the Power of the Spoken Word by Louise Hay. A very interesting women who to my knowledge is not a "Christian" but in this CD she challenged me and it lead me to seek GOD. At the end of the CD she asked to picture the future that you want how does it feel and then she asked do you DESERVE it. Immediately, there was a grabbing in my gut, a tightness and a denial of deserving anything. This came from my past and past teachings that taught me I deserved Hell and really not deserving anything good. I have I guess always had issues of deservedness (I think I made a word up here) and this has been a stumbling block to me to receiving or retaining anything good in my life.
I went to the LORD in me. I got quiet and asked The Father about this whole situation. As usual, HE gave me a full download that has freed me from this whole issue of deservedness. I will now give you the basic thoughts and concepts HE relayed to me that set me free. Again, I caveat this that this must be a heart lesson and not a head. It must resonate from your Spirit and not your mind. With that said, GOD said, even if you feel undeserving what does Christ in you deserve. BOOM, that was it. It was Rhema, Christ Jesus in me deserves the BEST! Can you say that! Christ in me deserves the best. That Word set me free. It by passed the whole worthiness and deservedness issue and brought it to the core issue, What does GOD deserve! HE deserves the Best. That set me free. Then scriptures came to me, Jesus' prayer that we are ONE with the Father even as HE is, HE has blessed us with all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly places, Christ in you the hope of Glory, the life I now live I live in CHRIST, I am dead never the less I live but not me but CHRIST in Me!
Christ in me deserves the Best and Christ wants the Best for me! I pray that helps you, I pray that sets you free! Christ in you sets you free from all things, the chains of the world the flesh and the devil are fully shattered and broken by the power of HIM who defeated death and hell to give us life. The LORD lead me to Romans 8 the other night and the verse in Romans 8:2, The Law of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus has set me Free from the Law of Sin and Death. YES!!! The wretchedness of sin and death with all its guilt and condemnation is no longer held to me. I am FREE from all that, I literally am now sitting in Heaven with GOD in CHRIST. I am already where I want to be and I could only be there if I belonged there. I belong because I am CHRIST's and CHRIST is mine we are ONE.... please meditate on this and go to your heart, be still and know that I AM GOD. HE shall set you free.
Second lesson GOD gave me was about worth. Again, worthiness, deservedness and like issues are about how we see ourselves. I have been seeking GOD about a healing to my shoulder, an injury that occurred almost a year ago. I heard GOD clearly tell me to know my identity, know who I am. Who am I since this new birth since being born again. Well, I did not pursue this, I thought about it but I did not seek it out. GOD in HIS grace would not let it rest. HE went strait to the issue and said, What is something worth? I thought well what someone would pay for it. So then what did I pay for you? BOOM, that did it for me. A flood of imagery and concepts over took me. I was bought, YOU were bought with a price that cannot be comprehended. We were bought with the life Blood of Jesus Christ, the Blood of Christ, the Life of Christ was our redemptive price. We are Priceless to GOD, forget the world, what does GOD say about you, what does GOD feel about you, what did GOD do to have you? HE gave HIS all to have us. We are PRICELESS and precious beyond imagination. I pray that sets you free. I share these personal revelations because of the blessings they brought me and that you and I are ONE, and we are ONE with GOD. So I know somewhere this message and its TRUTH are important to you or someone you know. GOD bless you and Grow in the grace and knowledge of LORD JESUS CHRIST. Let me know your thoughts. JB
Dr. Jim Richards at has a wealth of information on getting into your heart and hearing GOD.